Recycle Your Old Fridge or Freezer and Receive $35

Published by Dr. Power on

Message from San Mateo County

We recently heard that San Mateo County residents can receive a $35 reward for recycling a used, working refrigerator or freezer. It’s through a new program from Peninsula Clean Energy, the county’s electricity provider. Go to for details.

According to Peninsula Clean Energy, “households can reduce their carbon footprints by 8,200 pounds by participating in this program, which responsibly recycles the outdated refrigerants and foams in old fridges that release potent greenhouse gases…Refrigerators fifteen years or older on average use twice as much energy as a new ENERGY STAR fridge, so customers can save significantly on electric bills by upgrading to a new unit as well.”

This Peninsula Clean Energy recycling program is convenient, saves residents money, and gives a cash reward. According to the program, customers taking part in the program will be mailed a $35 reward check for each working refrigerator or freezer they recycle.

As a reminder, this program is for San Mateo County residents only. Here’s a list of major cities and towns in San Mateo County, although other “cities” are in unincorporated to the county — listing of those at the top are here.

We believe that it’s a very solid program and has been previously offered by the big utility companies using the same underlying service.

Dr. Power

Dr. Power

"Dr. Power" is a collection of experts and enthusiasts who is building a community to help everyone reduce their electricity bill and other utility bills by making smart choices, making saving money easier and teaching Americans how to conserve energy and money without sacrificing lifestyle and comfort.