An Efficient Cup of Tea

Published by StEEv on

This simple behavioral change is crazy simple, but surprisingly rare.

You might think I’m going to talk about the different methods used to boil water, and which is best… use the microwave? a gas stove? an induction cooktop? maybe one of those insta-hot dispensers? These all have different energy consumption and GHG emission rates, but those issues are often overshadowed by a much simpler issue: never boil more water than you need.

Boiling water takes an amazing amount of energy. And yet, how many times have you had tea at a friend’s house and watched a half-gallon of water heated to boiling, when only two cups were needed?

Here’s the trick: start with an empty kettle. Fill the desired number of cups with water, and pour them into the kettle. Now boil it, and you end up with just the right amount of tea, without wastefully boiling an extra quart.



Steve has spent the last decade dedicated to fighting climate change while also making life more affordable for Americans through energy efficiency. Reducing carbon emissions is his passion: he bikes to meetings, refuses to fly if it can be avoided, and vigilantly looks for energy & carbon leaks in his own home. He has mechanical engineering and business degrees from Stanford, and spent many years building & marketing software for IC design and other industries. In his spare time he builds interesting things like windmills, mobiles and electric vehicles.